Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Theology in the Bedroom: Love, Sex & Fertility - Talk 7

By Jack Chui

Sexual Honesty
Most of this talk centered around explaining why the Church holds a stand on controversial topics related to sex. These are topics like:

  • Contraception
  • Pre-marital sex
  • Homosexual acts
  • Pornography
  • Masturbation
  • In vitro fertilisation
Not all of these were answered, but left as a thought question post the talk. The way to answer these moral questions is to answer the following - Is this an authentic sign of God's free, total, faithful, fruitful love or is it not? Each of the above should fail in at least one of those four criteria. We are only bitter towards the law when we desire break it...

Contraception was particularly focused on because I think a lot of Catholics struggle with this one. Contraception was not intended to prevent pregnancy - there was always a 100% reliable way of doing that - to abstain. So it was invented so that we wouldn't have to abstain. Unfortunately, it promotes a society that does't have to say yes to abstaining - it promotes sexual addiction so that men and women can indulge in lust. Not free...
Contraceptive sex denies the total gift of self because it gives all of the body EXCEPT my fertility. Fertility is the original blessing of God on humanity
Contraception is also not faithful because it violates the marriage vows of being open to new life/children.
Sex should be both life-giving and love-giving - we should not divorce the two.

Responsible Parenthood
its a myth that the Church teaches that couples are obligated to have as many children as is physically possible. The Church calls couples to a responsible exercise of parenthood. That is - "to prudently and generously decide to have a large family, or for serious reasons and with due respect to the moral law, choose to have no more children for the time being".

There are two accepted forms of 'contraception' in the Church - abstinence and Natural Family Planning (NFP). NFP is acceptable because it is in keeping with the nature of sexual intercourse as a renewal of the couples wedding vows. Never does a couple using NFP do anything to sterilise their acts of intercourse. If pregnancy does not result from their acts of intercourse, it's God's doing, not their doing. Every time such a couple have intercourse they can honestly pray, "Lord, your will be done."

Some random notes on Marriage
Simply getting married doesn't automatically guarantee sexual honesty. Sexual sin is a dodging of the cross - because true love hurts too much. The first step to a healthy marriage is faithfulness - how healthy would a marriage be if s/he were unfaithful to their wedding vows? Sex is like a renewal of the marriage vows expressed bodily.

The marriage or love vows is actually a forging of God's love rather than our own, because its impossible to love by ourselves all the days of our lives. We are called to participate in this love - stay close and 'convert' into it --- towards God's love. This is an ongoing daily conversion.

Children are not a right, they are a gift. The child is a sacramental expression of 'one flesh' of marriage - the child is the flesh! Spousal love prepares us for parental love. We need to continue spousal love when having children - I can be a better father by being a better husband to my wife.

Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Praise You in This Storm

By Jean Cheng

Brief moments of respite,
Overtaken by incessant roadblocks and frustration. 
Whenever I have thought that I could breathe and run,
Again, I find myself facing another mountain that forces me to climb with all fours on the ground.
Perhaps it is in my mind,
Perhaps I am exaggerating.
Whatever it is this is by far one of the most prolonged torture I've experienced in my life. I am still waiting, still waiting on other peoples' schedules.
To do a PhD is to be a beggar - just a clean one.  

The other day I attended mass and, as is often the case, was present only physically.
When I knelt to pray,
I found myself in mindless chantings of "help me, help me, please help me".
As my mouth continued chanting that,
My mind asked me what on earth I was doing.
Why was I praying as though this was some kind of wishing well;
As if I do not know the One to whom I am praying to personally?
As if my God is a set of rules (keep begging to get the outcome you desire),
as opposed to a relationship (a God who is with me through my storm and is running to help me, even if I currently fail to perceive it)?

So I stopped.
How else should I pray then?
As I asked that question,
I felt a new spirit take over me,
"I know that you will help me. I know that you will see me to the end of this. I know I will graduate. I know I will make it. I know You are the God of the impossible, and You are God who is helping me."

I asked to have a faith like Abraham - one that goes beyond understanding and physical assurances,
Grounded only in who God is.
Perhaps this is His answered prayer to me.
Perhaps this is what it means to praise Him in the storm.
Perhaps, just perhaps, all these things are happening to protect me from a darker kind of danger that my God sees. 

I will finish this. 
I don't know how.
I am very tired.
I am constantly dejected, like now.
But I know I will. 
Because You will see to it, and help me at every step of the way. 

Psalm 121
"I lift up my eyes to the mountains—where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.
He will not let your foot slip—he who watches over you will not slumber;
indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.
The Lord watches over you—the Lord is your shade at your right hand;
the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night.
The Lord will keep you from all harm—he will watch over your life;
the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore."

Authentic Chastity: From Legalism to Liberty - Talk 6

By Jack Chui

Chasity vs Sexual Freedom - what two opposites which are misunderstood...
Chastity is actually the expression of sexual freedom.

Society can make us think of chastity negatively as a long list of 'thous shalt nots' and sexual freedom as the breaking apart of those rules. However, this promotes an 'anything goes' attitude and addiction. Is a habitual masturbator free when they can't say 'no' to their next ......?
True freedom is not liberation from the external 'constraint' (rules) that calls me to be good, but from the internal constraint that hinders my choice for the good --- to be able to say no (or being chaste) is the true sexual freedom!

In relation to masturbation, I know it is truly a grace from God that needs to be asked for constantly to say no. The same goes to the temptation to fight lust or using someone for our own gratification. We are just too weak on our own to say no sometimes, but with His power, it can be done. It must be just the way we were designed to keep us needy and reliant on God... =)

The guiding principle of all Catholic moral teaching is the dignity of the human person. Persons must never be treated as objects of use or a means to an end. We have to see the dignity of the human person so that we are compelled to do what it takes to love that person rightly.

What is love? A feeling, physical attraction, emotion? Pope John Paul II says that these are the 'raw material' of love and there is a tendency to regard them as love's 'finished form'. These 'raw materials' if not properly held together may not add up to love, but to its direct opposite - lust. I can have a feeling or physical attraction to any girl on this planet but does that mean its love?

The opposite of love is not actually hatred, but rather to use the other as a means to an end. This lust is a pale cheap imitation of love. For love to take root, above all we must firmly set our will on the person's good, utterly refusing to indulge lust --- this involves integrating the feelings, physical attraction and emotions with the 'dignity' of the person. This is a call for self donation (for the good of the other) rather than self gratification (for the good of self).

Quoting the notes -
Chastity is not an 'annihilation' of sexual reactions or pushing them into the subconscious where they await an opportunity to explode. Chasity is a matter of sustained long term integration of sexual values with the value of the person. The person who wants to succeed in mastering sexual impulse and excitement, must be committed to a progressive education in self control of the will, of the feelings, of the emotions; and this education must develop beginning with the most simple acts in which it is relatively easy to put the interior decision into practice (i.e. to be able to say no).

Faith is the key to this - lust may feel like the real thing, but this is where faith must prevail.

Love reaches maturity when it turns from "how the other makes me feel" to "who the other person is". Its the recognition of the other's uniqueness - their unrepeatability. They cannot and should not be compared/measured to someone else. Authentic love is attracted not just by 'attributes' or 'qualities' of a person, but for the person's value. The qualities are repeatable and they help us get to love, but if it stops there then a permanent shadow is cast over the permanency of the relationship (they can be replaced by someone else with the same or better 'qualities'. These 'attributes' or 'qualities' can also change or disappear over time (like breasts =P)

One love that can satisfy our yearning - Jesus. Love on earth can only approximate this love.

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

The Two Become "One Flesh": Living the "Great Mystery - Talk 5

By Jack Chui

"Be subject to one another out of reverence of Christ. As the Church is subject to Christ, so wives also be subject in everything to their husbands. Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the Church and gave himself up for her" (Eph 5:21, 24-25)

Apparently the above passage is one of the hardest to accept for particularly for women - it can send shivers down their spines... From my point of view, and I'm bias because I'm male, the men have it just as hard if not harder than ladies.

The talk from Christopher West raises some good points.

  • First, "Be subject to one another" is a call for mutual subjection. When St. Paul was writing to the Ephesians, male domination was the norm. Male lust is twisted into male domination of female - it was not part of God's plan. St. Paul is seeking to restore the original order before sin.
  • "reverence of Christ" - mutual attraction. We men are in reverence of the mystery of the female body. Females are an image of Heaven on earth. Woman becomes the most holy dwelling of the most High God like Mary.
  • Wife is a symbol of the Church and the husband is a symbol of Christ. For men, then our call is be like Christ. He came not to be served but to serve - to lay down His life for His Bride (Mt 20:28). Women are called to be obedient to their husbands just as all of us are called to be obedient to Christ. This can work, when husbands love their wives like Christ loves the Church. It is a receiving or experiencing of love.
Pope John Paul II writes this about the sexual act:
If a husband is truly to love his wife, "it is necessary to insist that intercourse must not serve merely as a means of allowing [his] climax... The man must take [the] difference between male and female reactions into account... so that climax may be reached [by] both... and as far as possible occur in both simultaneously." The husband must do this "not for hedonistic, but for altruistic reasons." In this case, if "we take into account the shorter and more violent curve of arousal in the man, [such] tenderness on his part in the context of martial intercourse acquires the significance of an act of virtue"
--- and who says priests don't know anything about sex =P

This next bit is meant to explain the sacredness of marriage but I don't' quite get it so I'll just write a bit of it. The purpose of the sacraments is to unite us with Christ the Bridegroom and "impregnate" us with divine life. Marriage is a model for all the sacraments. This is why the Church so diligently safeguards the meaning of marriage. Redefining marriage redefines humanity because it obscures the earthly sign of the marriage that we are called to the eternal marriage with God.

There are 4 characteristics which distinguish authentic love from the counterfeit.
  1. Free gift of self
  2. Total - without condition
  3. Faithful - I will never leave you
  4. Fruitful - life-giving because love by its very nature is life giving
These are expressed in the questions during marriage at the altar:
  • Have you come here freely and without reservation? (Free & Total)
  • Do you promise to be faithful till death? (Faithful)
  • Do you promise to receive children lovingly from God? (Fruitful)
The sacrament of marriage is complete after the vows are taken AND the marriage is consummate (or once sex has taken place). Sex/Intercourse is where the words of the wedding vows become flesh. "For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh." (Eph 5:21-33). Intercourse renews the marriage vows through the language of the body.

Marriage is a sacrament ministered by two people and doesn't involve the priest like it is for all the other sacraments. Sex is sacramental - it is the indefinitive expression of the marital act. We are called to bring the Church into the bedroom...

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

The Heavenly Marriage: The Joy of Christian Celibacy - Talk 4

By Jack Chui

May not be so much personal thoughts here as I don't have so much to add to the points I took out of this talk - which is just half way through the 8 week course. I'm taking so much in and remembering most of it that I think I might be rehashing some stuff that I've written before. But anyway ---

God's plan for us continues despite our sin. The sin was like a detour, but it did not change the ultimate destination. So what is God's plan or our destiny? The Heavenly marriage or the "Marriage of the Lamb" (Rev 19:7). God ultimately wants to marry us and be in union with Him forever in a way that is greater than sex as we know it.

So there are two marriages - one on earth which we know of, and the other more mysterious one in Heaven. Which one should we be aiming for? Well, if we know about the Heavenly marriage then that one for sure! Knowing this will definitely take off pressure to get married and have sex here on earth because there is an even greater one that will last for eternity. Earthly marriage is only a foretaste or preparation of for Heavenly marriage. It is like a weak icon of what Heaven is like and so like all icons in the church, it should not be worshiped lest we lift marriage/sex higher than God.

Sex is the closest thing to Heaven on earth, but it can also be the closest thing to hell... when it is not lived as God intended. The abuse and misuse - the self destruction can wound us because sex can take us to the heights of glory.

"In the beatific vision, God will give himself totally to man, and we will respond with the total gift of ourselves to him." - taken straight from the notes. In the Heavenly, marriage, one way to picture it is that all of us that ever lived will come together and be in union with God forever - so we will be with our brothers and sisters which are many parts forming one big big body =)

A celibate person freely forgoes sexual relations in order to devote all their energy and desires to the union that alone can satisfy. They "skip" the earthly marriage in anticipation of the Heavenly marriage - and so boldly proclaim that "the kingdom of God is here". Its unfortunate that our society sees celibacy as repressive , that people who don't have sex because they can't get any as losers... They should be held with the highest regard because they are a great witness to the greater communion that is to come. Celibacy boldly proclaims our ultimate meaning of sexuality - it points us to a greater sexuality. Celibacy is not a rejection of sexuality, but a living out of the deepest meaning of sexuality - union with Christ and his Church (Eph 5:31-32).

Celibacy can only be lived when we are redeemed (or saved) by Christ and so experience "liberation from lust". The Christian vocations of celibacy and marriage only make sense through this liberation. Its difficult to understand this 'liberation' but one way I can put it is to remember the ultimate marriage is the one in Heaven, rather than the one on earth.

 Jesus upped the ante when he said that even if men look at women with lust, that we commit adultery in our hearts. So marriage is not a legitimate outlet for lust - it is not a free for all in marriage even. There is particular responsibility on men because we are the initiators - it is written into us to initiate the gift and for women to receive. We need to see each other continually as a gift.

Monday, 1 July 2013

Simply Amazing...

By Jack Chui

"Amazing is an understatement" ~ Debbie Li late on Sunday night after 'Moving Day'

Debbie pretty much summed up yesterday's Moving Day in 4 words. Few things in my life are worth cause for excitement or expression of feelings given I'm not such a feelings person, but yesterday was one of them.

But for those new to STAY, I'll start from an earlier beginning and hope this post won't be so long.

One of the fruits to come out from the STAY ministry is the Outreach to refugees or asylum seekers. Two years ago, I was the leader for Outreach in STAY and was struggling to fulfill that role till I spoke to our then parish priest Father Peter. Father Peter has a great love for 'the forgotten' people in society and he spoke many times about his pastoral ministry to the refugees in detention and 'outside' detention. He wanted young people to befriend the refugees in detention because most other visitors were older (Father Peter is over 80) and the asylum seekers were mostly young men.

The visits to the detention centre in Melbourne started with a few people but word spread and the Outreach grew to include large groups including some regular goers. A year later, we also started to visit the newly released refugees in their homes with gifts of Christmas cake for that season and we continue to make visits once a month. As it visited these homes, a pattern becomes familiar - they are happier outside detention but there are other great struggles to make ends meet with the visa condition that they cannot work.

Recently, there had been a great need for mattresses because the large charities which normally supply them were in very short supply and so refugees who just move into a new rental property just have to sleep on the floor or take turns to share a single mattress among 5 or 6 young men. After seeing 2 families in one house with absolutely no furniture as they had just moved in 2 weeks before, it was time to put those little calls for help into action.

Yesterday, we ran our first 'Moving Day' where we would get some vans, and bring mattresses from people who wanted to donate them/give them away and bring them to the refugees that needed them. I haven't organised such a large operation before - the previous might be a church BBQ for 200 people but as you can imagine, its not an easy task to find mattresses, collect them, find people who need them and deliver them. In this whole experience I have 3 take outs that I wish to share.

God brought together what we needed
A week before yesterday, I only knew of 5 mattresses which our volunteers had expressed interest in donating and that was all I started with. But through the week, up till Saturday night before the day, all the things came in that would be needed to help us succeed. I did not have much idea of how to organise such a logistical problem, but people around me made suggestions, which not knowing much better I just followed through on to see what would happen. More mattresses came in, and some people found some to let us know. A priest lent us his own ute and borrowed another car to travel over the weekend. Budget Car rentals let us hire a large van for the price of small one after someone thought of their last move. A lady who saw a request for mattresses on Gumtree (goodness knows how my email request made its way there) put me in touch with the moving company Man With a Van and they generously donated a truck and 4 men.

God also brought together the right people. People to donate mattresses and furniture, people to help guide the drivers, people to sort through clothes and other household items, people to clean chairs, people to drive and people to make the deliveries. The response for volunteers was not the greatest, but was perfect for what we needed to do. We collected about 20 mattresses all up and with other furniture donated and from the church it filled the large Man With a Van truck, the whole boot of a 4WD and half the Budget van. There was a lot of stuff - enough you could say to be all of someone's belongings.

God made it work, in-spite of challenges and ourselves
The day was in my view not the smoothest of operations. My GPS ran out of battery and the hire van which I was driving couldn't charge it so I was picking up mattresses using google maps on my phone which my accompanying passenger was not familiar with using. People who were donating mattresses also offered to give us other furnitures which they were looking move - some useful which we took and others not so useful or difficult to find a use for (note to self - don't pick up fax machines...). When we got to sorting and loading the vans, there were different suggestions and counter suggestions which slowed down the re-arranging process and having to resort to compromises and short-cuts just to get the convoy moving to delivery mode at late afternoon. The chairs which the church wanted to give away just would not stack!

On the journey, there were different ideas on the order of houses we would visit to minimise the travel, road blocks which made us detour and take wrong directions which was wasting more time sitting in the van/car. The early houses we visited were half furnished to fully furnished and we struggled to give away mattresses and clothes to the point where we would offer them anything from the van so that they would take it from us. In desperation and frustration, I took it out on some of the kind volunteers to just do whatever it take to give it all away, because by the looks of it, I would have to take the majority of items which we so carefully collected and drove out west of Melbourne back to the city to 'dump' somewhere else. The team was not the most cohesive, yet, inspite of ourselves and the setbacks, God still made it work.

And not just work, but work so brilliantly. Each volunteer, though somewhat dysfunctional together and small in whatever we could do, gave the little of the skills/talent that we had to serve in different ways when we were interacting. God had brought together the right people to play our small part and He somehow just made it work. The 'men' with the Van moved furniture into houses much faster than what us amateurs could do. We had volunteers able to speak Sinhalese which some of the Sri Lankan refugees understood. Some of the ladies were good at fitting clothes or know where to find the right clothes/items in the vans. Some volunteers were good at talking to and entertaining the children. Others were good at picking items from the vans and bringing them in. Without each one of us, the whole operation would be so much less effective.

In the end, and amazingly, we managed to give away all but a box of ornaments all away and so not wasting what was given to us by our generous volunteers. Victory would not be so sweet without all the troubles that came with it...

Be very grateful for what I have
and God saved His greatest for last. After making little progress through the first 3 houses, we went to an address to whom Raj, the man of the 3rd house gave us - a family that would need what we had. We had a lot left - just over half the mattresses, half the chairs (started with 30) and a variety of odd furniture. When we arrived and welcomed ourselves, we saw what Raj meant - the household had literally nothing. All the rooms were empty - the Sri Lankan family of 5 with 2 young boys and the youngest a girl had just moved in 2 days ago.

In half an hour, we had furnished the large but derelict house with enough furniture to make it more comfortable than sitting and sleeping on the wooden floor. The men in the Van also went the extra mile to assemble four single bed frames from their parts so that the children would have nice beds to sleep on. We gave everything that they would need and it just about emptied all the vans and our stock. We also gave them the all rest of the warm clothes because they only had thin shirts to wear.

It was near dark when we arrived and the house had no lights working - until we checked the fuse box and turned on the switches. The family had been living in the dark for the last 2 days. They also told us that they had not eaten for the whole day, the only thing they had to eat was bread from the communion at church that Sunday morning. We were stunned... the children would not have eaten much if at all for the last 2 days. The ladies helped the mother of the household (I wish I knew their names) to the nearest supermarket, showing her where to walk to get there next time and buying some groceries for them to have meals for a week or so.  They had no fridge so there would be no meat. We could not give them any plates or cooking tools because we had given them to another family before.

To see that we could do so much to help this one family was enough to lift my spirits - that all the late nights of organising and communicating with the many various people to get it all together was well worth it. I did not think about my tiredness and challenges I had to deal and put up with getting it altogether because I had seen first hand what real struggle really was. I will be very grateful when I have my regular meals. The simple things like clothes, heating, money and a bed.

Thank you Lord for this opportunity, and for using us to do your work and bring You glory.