First reading: isaiah 49:8-15
Psalm 145:8-9, 13-14, 17-18
Gospel: John 5:17-30
We are reminded of God's mercy and abounding love
He never forgets us in our darkest moments
We find life in Jesus.
God sent his only son that all who believe inherit eternal life
This is the greatest gift of God to us
This lenten season continues to be a constant reminder of God's love for all of us and his desire for us to seek his mercy and trust in his love for us
Thursday, 10 March 2016
Tuesday, 8 March 2016
Lenten Reflections Day 27
First reading: Ezekiel 47:1-9; 12
Psalm 46:2-3; 5-6; 8-9
Gospel: John 5:1-16
The Psalms reminds us not to fear why? It is because God is our refuge and strength. God himself is with us no matter what happens.
In the Gospel, Jesus tells a blind man on the sabbath to pick up his pallet and walk.
This is one of the many miracles that Jesus did. I am reminded that we are the most important thing to God. It is not about following rules or regulations that God loves us. God loves because that is who he is; We were created to be loved by our creator.
God calls us, he wants us to recognize him. Just as he revealed himself to the man he healed. Look on your life and see areas that God has healed and recognize Jesus as the healer.
With God's mercy comes a warning. He has cleansed us from our sin, by his grace let us ask that we do not return to those sins less we fall victim to the worse effects that sin can bring, which is to separate us from the one who came to take away the sins of the world.
Prayer: Lord for the times we have failed, have mercy on us
Lord for the times we have let sin take precedence in our lives; have mercy on us
Give us the grace to be able to walk away from sin and not be drawn to its web that leaves us tangled, used and confused
Psalm 46:2-3; 5-6; 8-9
Gospel: John 5:1-16
The Psalms reminds us not to fear why? It is because God is our refuge and strength. God himself is with us no matter what happens.
In the Gospel, Jesus tells a blind man on the sabbath to pick up his pallet and walk.
This is one of the many miracles that Jesus did. I am reminded that we are the most important thing to God. It is not about following rules or regulations that God loves us. God loves because that is who he is; We were created to be loved by our creator.
God calls us, he wants us to recognize him. Just as he revealed himself to the man he healed. Look on your life and see areas that God has healed and recognize Jesus as the healer.
With God's mercy comes a warning. He has cleansed us from our sin, by his grace let us ask that we do not return to those sins less we fall victim to the worse effects that sin can bring, which is to separate us from the one who came to take away the sins of the world.
Prayer: Lord for the times we have failed, have mercy on us
Lord for the times we have let sin take precedence in our lives; have mercy on us
Give us the grace to be able to walk away from sin and not be drawn to its web that leaves us tangled, used and confused
I am back!!
Over the past two weeks, I have been away. I have battled many struggles along the way.
while, but I am happy to say that despite all the troubled waters. God has been there.
It has been a really low point in my life for something that should not be. It was really tough to
understand why I could feel so incomplete despite all the blessings in my life. Having a roof over my
head, having an amazing God who cares for me. Pursuing a career that I am called to be a part of, a
wonderful family. Yet there it was, this bone deep sadness. I lost my ability to talk to God for a
while, but I am happy to say that despite all the troubled waters. God has been there.
I just wanted to write this blog, to say that I am fine. God has been faithful and I am once more drawn
to his light. He reminds me in the scripture that he is always there for me and also I would like to
encourage anyone who is going through anything; Depression, anxiety, abuse, insecurity whatever it
is. God has not forgotten so don't give up.
Look at your situation as an opportunity to grow and learn about yourself. God is always near.
When I began to feel God was distant, it was easy to remain in my downward spiral but as I found myself returning to the scriptures and this encouraged me to be strong and persevere. It encouraged me to seek God again in repentance and renewing my commitment to him. He is slow to anger and rich in mercy. This is the truth about God that I chose to believe and I hope that you too can find that in your situation.
The book of Timothy 4:11-15 really spoke to me and for anyone in ministry who may sometimes feel discouraged.
It goes like this;
"Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young but set an example in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity. Do not neglect the gift which was given you through a prophetic message; Watch your life and doctrine closely and persevere in them because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers".
I just want to say that I am back!! and will constantly look on the one who is the light, to guide my path in order not to veer off course.
Tuesday, 23 February 2016
Reflections Day 13
Day 13
First reading: 1Peter 5:1-4
Psalm 23:1-6
Gospel Matthew 16:13-19
Knowing who Jesus is as believers is not enough. Receiving him through faith is not enough. To be disciples we must respond to the call to follow him. Once we are his followers and have grown in the faith. It is our responsibility to help others reach that maturity.
We are warned not to be domineering but to look after those God has put in our care. To do our tasks without complaining or trying to seek gain.
To those who are followers of Christ, whatever we bind on earth will be bound in heaven. In the Psalms, God promises us goodness and mercy all the days of our lives.
First reading: 1Peter 5:1-4
Psalm 23:1-6
Gospel Matthew 16:13-19
Knowing who Jesus is as believers is not enough. Receiving him through faith is not enough. To be disciples we must respond to the call to follow him. Once we are his followers and have grown in the faith. It is our responsibility to help others reach that maturity.
We are warned not to be domineering but to look after those God has put in our care. To do our tasks without complaining or trying to seek gain.
To those who are followers of Christ, whatever we bind on earth will be bound in heaven. In the Psalms, God promises us goodness and mercy all the days of our lives.
Reflections on Matthew 5:43-44
"You have heard that it was said, `You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' 44But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,
Recently, I felt betrayed by someone that I trusted. We had formed closed ties and I held certain expectations about this person. The thing about me is that I trust people and their words. You may ask why? Well it is because I have always felt that how I treat others is how they should treat me. Also, when I give someone my word I often keep it. So for me, though it shouldn't, it still comes as a surprise when someone I trust breaks that trust.
So despite relying on this certain person, in a split second things changed. What was once in equilibrium seemed out of balance. I felt betrayed and hurt. There was also a feeling of disappointment and soon I recognised that my emotions started to hold bitterness towards that person. My reaction was to isolate that person from my life. Why? Well i'm human and incidents like this makes you wonder if you have any real friends or if there is anyone you would ever trust. It starts to hold true that sometimes strangers are better than friends, atheists are better than christians? I made the decision to remove myself from that individual and take certain action that would perhaps show that I really was angry by their actions.
In reading this scripture, I gained clarity on what loving your enemies was. This person was not an enemy but sometimes friendships can turn sour and strong ties broken. It made me reflect on the situation and by God speaking through his word, I no longer harboured feelings of anger and resentment. Instead, I offered up a prayer for that friend letting him know that I forgive that person. I asked God to help them find themselves, to help them find healing and peace that only he can give. Surprisingly this gave me a sense of peace and assurance of God's forgiveness for my own wrongs and mistakes. As difficult a step that was, my burden suddenly seemed lighter. One less load to carry, I could return to focus on the things in my life that mattered. I know now that despite how difficult it was, I realised before God, I had just redeemed myself.
Recently, I felt betrayed by someone that I trusted. We had formed closed ties and I held certain expectations about this person. The thing about me is that I trust people and their words. You may ask why? Well it is because I have always felt that how I treat others is how they should treat me. Also, when I give someone my word I often keep it. So for me, though it shouldn't, it still comes as a surprise when someone I trust breaks that trust.
So despite relying on this certain person, in a split second things changed. What was once in equilibrium seemed out of balance. I felt betrayed and hurt. There was also a feeling of disappointment and soon I recognised that my emotions started to hold bitterness towards that person. My reaction was to isolate that person from my life. Why? Well i'm human and incidents like this makes you wonder if you have any real friends or if there is anyone you would ever trust. It starts to hold true that sometimes strangers are better than friends, atheists are better than christians? I made the decision to remove myself from that individual and take certain action that would perhaps show that I really was angry by their actions.
In reading this scripture, I gained clarity on what loving your enemies was. This person was not an enemy but sometimes friendships can turn sour and strong ties broken. It made me reflect on the situation and by God speaking through his word, I no longer harboured feelings of anger and resentment. Instead, I offered up a prayer for that friend letting him know that I forgive that person. I asked God to help them find themselves, to help them find healing and peace that only he can give. Surprisingly this gave me a sense of peace and assurance of God's forgiveness for my own wrongs and mistakes. As difficult a step that was, my burden suddenly seemed lighter. One less load to carry, I could return to focus on the things in my life that mattered. I know now that despite how difficult it was, I realised before God, I had just redeemed myself.
Lenten Reflections Day 11 & 12
Day 11
First reading: Deuteronomy 26:16-19, 23-25
Psalm 119:1-2,4-5
Gospel Matthew 5:43-48
This readings are a constant reminder of the promises of God for us. He encourages us to keep his laws and commandments and promises that he will set us high above all in praise, fame and honour.
In today's society, it is easy to get caught up in what everyone else is doing. Honour, fame, praises are what many of us desire. Some people strive their whole life to achieve success in order that it may come with either fame, honour, wealth, praises etc. We easily start to believe the standards society sets for us. For example we are told as women in the beauty magazines ways in which to attract a guy, how to leave him wanting more, how to be attractive by showing little or no skin.
When we look at the worldly view point it's no wonder trying to reach these expectations leaves us with low self worth and sometimes a deadly obsession to be different from who God has created us to be. God's word however tells us differently. We are expected to be better version of ourselves. God wants only the best for us and obeying his ways is for our good. When we follow his commands in areas such as relationships, beauty and finances, we stand out. We become the light for the world, a way for others to see Jesus through us. Let your honour, fame, fortune, praise come not from worldly standards but from Godly standards.
First reading: Deuteronomy 26:16-19, 23-25
Psalm 119:1-2,4-5
Gospel Matthew 5:43-48
This readings are a constant reminder of the promises of God for us. He encourages us to keep his laws and commandments and promises that he will set us high above all in praise, fame and honour.
In today's society, it is easy to get caught up in what everyone else is doing. Honour, fame, praises are what many of us desire. Some people strive their whole life to achieve success in order that it may come with either fame, honour, wealth, praises etc. We easily start to believe the standards society sets for us. For example we are told as women in the beauty magazines ways in which to attract a guy, how to leave him wanting more, how to be attractive by showing little or no skin.
When we look at the worldly view point it's no wonder trying to reach these expectations leaves us with low self worth and sometimes a deadly obsession to be different from who God has created us to be. God's word however tells us differently. We are expected to be better version of ourselves. God wants only the best for us and obeying his ways is for our good. When we follow his commands in areas such as relationships, beauty and finances, we stand out. We become the light for the world, a way for others to see Jesus through us. Let your honour, fame, fortune, praise come not from worldly standards but from Godly standards.
Lenten Reflections Day 9 & 10
Day 9:
First reading: Esther 12: 14-16, 23-25
Psalm 138: 1-3, 7-8
Gospel Matthew 7: 7-12
In Esther, it is said that she was seized with "deathly anxiety". This immediately paints a picture in my head that anxiety is a condition so serious that it can even lead to death. A lot of us worry about something or many things. They can range from irrational fears such as fear of spiders, to genuine concerns such as fear of losing our jobs or lack thereof, we can also be anxious about our relationships and the future.
What we find is that these anxieties can lead to restlessness. We experience sleepless nights, loss of appetite, increased heart rates etc. It even leads to our trying various methods of self-medication such as food, drugs and alcohol to help us cope. The bible says of Esther that in her deathly anxiety she fled to the Lord.
In anxious situations, we too like Esther should turn to God in prayer, trusting that he will deliver us from the dangers we face and that we would be able to conquer our fears. This also continues on to the Gospel of Matthew where God emphasises that he will give to those who ask of him. This week, I hold onto this promise of God trusting that he will see that all the goals and plans I have for my life will come to fruition and seeing the manifestation of his goodness in my life, I can be a testimony to others.
Day 10
First reading: Ezekiel 18:21-28
Psalm 130: 1-8
Gospel Matthew 5: 20-26
Reflecting on this reading I looked on my actions today and examined my heart. I had done some things that I was not proud of. I confess that I broke my vow to fast. It has not been easy and I suppose, I gave in to temptation. I had in my head justifications and excuses for why what I did was ok. However my actions impacted the rest of my day. I experienced a sense of inner guilt and feelings like I took God's mercy and grace for granted.
The first reading is a reminder that despite how many times we fail, God desires that we return to him. "But if a wicked man turns away from all his sins which he has committed and keeps all my statues and does what is right and lawful, he shall surely live; he shall not die" Ezekiel 18:21
The psalmist cries out to God "If thou should mark iniquities Lord who could stand, but there is forgiveness with thee that thou may be feared"
In the gospel reading, it further emphasises God's demand for our righteousness especially from us believers. He warns us to guard our hearts and tongues. It is not only important to ask God's forgiveness but also the forgiveness of those we have wronged that we may receive God's mercy
First reading: Esther 12: 14-16, 23-25
Psalm 138: 1-3, 7-8
Gospel Matthew 7: 7-12
In Esther, it is said that she was seized with "deathly anxiety". This immediately paints a picture in my head that anxiety is a condition so serious that it can even lead to death. A lot of us worry about something or many things. They can range from irrational fears such as fear of spiders, to genuine concerns such as fear of losing our jobs or lack thereof, we can also be anxious about our relationships and the future.
What we find is that these anxieties can lead to restlessness. We experience sleepless nights, loss of appetite, increased heart rates etc. It even leads to our trying various methods of self-medication such as food, drugs and alcohol to help us cope. The bible says of Esther that in her deathly anxiety she fled to the Lord.
In anxious situations, we too like Esther should turn to God in prayer, trusting that he will deliver us from the dangers we face and that we would be able to conquer our fears. This also continues on to the Gospel of Matthew where God emphasises that he will give to those who ask of him. This week, I hold onto this promise of God trusting that he will see that all the goals and plans I have for my life will come to fruition and seeing the manifestation of his goodness in my life, I can be a testimony to others.
Day 10
First reading: Ezekiel 18:21-28
Psalm 130: 1-8
Gospel Matthew 5: 20-26
Reflecting on this reading I looked on my actions today and examined my heart. I had done some things that I was not proud of. I confess that I broke my vow to fast. It has not been easy and I suppose, I gave in to temptation. I had in my head justifications and excuses for why what I did was ok. However my actions impacted the rest of my day. I experienced a sense of inner guilt and feelings like I took God's mercy and grace for granted.
The first reading is a reminder that despite how many times we fail, God desires that we return to him. "But if a wicked man turns away from all his sins which he has committed and keeps all my statues and does what is right and lawful, he shall surely live; he shall not die" Ezekiel 18:21
The psalmist cries out to God "If thou should mark iniquities Lord who could stand, but there is forgiveness with thee that thou may be feared"
In the gospel reading, it further emphasises God's demand for our righteousness especially from us believers. He warns us to guard our hearts and tongues. It is not only important to ask God's forgiveness but also the forgiveness of those we have wronged that we may receive God's mercy
Wednesday, 17 February 2016
Lenten Reflections Day 7 & 8
Day 8
First reading: Jonah 3: 1-10
Psalm 51
Gospel: Luke 11:29-32
In the psalms it says "Cast me not away from thy presence and take not thy Holy Spirit from me"
Each day I realize that I need the presence of the holy spirit, should he depart from me all i'm left with is a loneliness and emptiness that cannot be filled with anything.
I am constantly reminded of the mercy of God. How he witholds punishment so that we may all come to repentance.
Lord heal my broken spirit. Repair and Renew me that I may be filled with a new zeal and love for you and your word. Help me with my daily struggles with sin and fill me with the knowledge of your presence with me both now and forever.
Day 7
First reading: Isaiah 55:10-11
Psalm 34
Gospel: Mt. 6:7-15
These are the words of the readings that speak to me. It helps me to hold on to the promises of God with faith.
When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles. The Lord is near the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.
Day 8
First reading: Jonah 3: 1-10
Psalm 51
Gospel: Luke 11:29-32
In the psalms it says "Cast me not away from thy presence and take not thy Holy Spirit from me"
Each day I realize that I need the presence of the holy spirit, should he depart from me all i'm left with is a loneliness and emptiness that cannot be filled with anything.
I am constantly reminded of the mercy of God. How he witholds punishment so that we may all come to repentance.
Lord heal my broken spirit. Repair and Renew me that I may be filled with a new zeal and love for you and your word. Help me with my daily struggles with sin and fill me with the knowledge of your presence with me both now and forever.
Day 7
First reading: Isaiah 55:10-11
Psalm 34
Gospel: Mt. 6:7-15
These are the words of the readings that speak to me. It helps me to hold on to the promises of God with faith.
When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles. The Lord is near the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.
Trusting God through the wilderness
The past month has probably been one of the most difficult journeys of my life.
Yet I am challenged to look at the positives of life. To believe that it does not end here, that God has a better plan for my life.
While I believe that, journeying through the wilderness is filled with it's pain and disappointments.
Relationships end, people disappoint you. Perhaps a part of you wonders if something is wrong with you. It leaves you in a fragile state of mind.
I find it harder to open up to people around me. What makes me think that they too won't let me down.
Even my own strength is failing me. I am losing the ability to believe in myself. There needs to be something greater than me looking out for me. I don't want to end up a failure. I know that I would continue to persevere through the storms of life. I will journey through the wilderness because I will carry my daily cross. The only way to do battle with the enemy within me and outside of me is to understand that it is a privilege to be in this time of trial. I choose to thank God for the opportunity to put me through testing. I know that my victory is at hand. If Christ could carry his cross then why can't I and so I will.
No matter how many times I fall, I would get up. So that in all things, in my weakness, the strength of christ is revealed.
This wilderness period of walking through the desert would soon come to an end. This as I continue to thirst for his presence to fill me.
Yet I am challenged to look at the positives of life. To believe that it does not end here, that God has a better plan for my life.
While I believe that, journeying through the wilderness is filled with it's pain and disappointments.
Relationships end, people disappoint you. Perhaps a part of you wonders if something is wrong with you. It leaves you in a fragile state of mind.
I find it harder to open up to people around me. What makes me think that they too won't let me down.
Even my own strength is failing me. I am losing the ability to believe in myself. There needs to be something greater than me looking out for me. I don't want to end up a failure. I know that I would continue to persevere through the storms of life. I will journey through the wilderness because I will carry my daily cross. The only way to do battle with the enemy within me and outside of me is to understand that it is a privilege to be in this time of trial. I choose to thank God for the opportunity to put me through testing. I know that my victory is at hand. If Christ could carry his cross then why can't I and so I will.
No matter how many times I fall, I would get up. So that in all things, in my weakness, the strength of christ is revealed.
This wilderness period of walking through the desert would soon come to an end. This as I continue to thirst for his presence to fill me.
Monday, 15 February 2016
Lent Reflections Day 5 & 6
Day 5
First reading: Deuteronomy 26:4-10
Psalm 91
Second Reading: Romans 10:8-13
Gospel: Luke 4:1-13
In this reading what really speaks to me is Psalm 91. It is a psalm for protection. It speaks to me because I feel that this season I am relying on God more. I recognise my frailty and weaknesses. I was not feeling the best today. Frankly, there were times I felt abandoned and overwhelmed. Reading Psalm 91, reminds me to trust in God. He is my refuge and my safety. In the second reading, it says Anyone who calls on the name of the lord will be saved.
Day 6
First reading: Deuteronomy 26:4-10
Psalm 19:8-10,15
Gospel: mt.25:31-36;
What does it mean to fear God?
I find that it means treating another fairly, treating one another with love. In this lent we have to learn to be more kind and giving of ourselves not just in terms of material wealth but also with our time and our knowledge to others.
To fear God, means to meditate on his words and to constantly ponder them in our hearts so that we may not stray.
To strive to be like him which is to be holy.
As always God promises blessings to those who keep his commandments by loving him and our neighbour.
To those who believe in him, he promises eternal life.
Prayer Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight O lord my Redeemer
First reading: Deuteronomy 26:4-10
Psalm 91
Second Reading: Romans 10:8-13
Gospel: Luke 4:1-13
In this reading what really speaks to me is Psalm 91. It is a psalm for protection. It speaks to me because I feel that this season I am relying on God more. I recognise my frailty and weaknesses. I was not feeling the best today. Frankly, there were times I felt abandoned and overwhelmed. Reading Psalm 91, reminds me to trust in God. He is my refuge and my safety. In the second reading, it says Anyone who calls on the name of the lord will be saved.
Day 6
First reading: Deuteronomy 26:4-10
Psalm 19:8-10,15
Gospel: mt.25:31-36;
What does it mean to fear God?
I find that it means treating another fairly, treating one another with love. In this lent we have to learn to be more kind and giving of ourselves not just in terms of material wealth but also with our time and our knowledge to others.
To fear God, means to meditate on his words and to constantly ponder them in our hearts so that we may not stray.
To strive to be like him which is to be holy.
As always God promises blessings to those who keep his commandments by loving him and our neighbour.
To those who believe in him, he promises eternal life.
Prayer Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight O lord my Redeemer
Saturday, 13 February 2016
Lent Reflections Day 3 & 4
Day 3
First reading: Isaiah 58: 1-9
Psalm 51
Gospel: Matthew 9:14-15
Isaiah speaks about the fasting that God demands.
We know that the season of Lent is a period of fasting and abstinence.
So why are you fasting? In what way will this draw you to God?. In Isaiah God outlines what kind of fasting he requires. It involves sharing what we have with others. It is all about doing good to others in ways that you are able to. With this kind of fasting comes a promise. God will increase his blessings and healing and we can be certain of his mercy.
Personally, why am I fasting.
I chose to fast this lent, from the things that I felt were a hindrance in my faith journey. To gain freedom from the bad habits and addictions that I had developed over the years and to trust that God can help me overcome them.
I am fasting also because, I am asking God to help me in a project this coming month that I feel I need help with and that it is only by his strength in me that things can happen.
By fasting we are choosing to look up to God for our sustenance.
Dear Lord, I offer my fast asking to uphold my plans. Trusting that you would take care of them. That my actions are led by your spirit and inspired by your word. I pray for all my those who are holding a fast as well to break away from various addictions, or those who hope to seek you in this time that they may find you.
Day 4
First reading: Isaiah 58: 9-14
Psalm 86: 1-6
Gospel: Luke 5: 27-32;
"I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance" Lk 5: 32
This past week, I am reminded everyday of my daily struggles. What this season is doing is highlighting those areas of my life that I really need to work on. I am encouraged that God sees it all and he is not here for the righteous but the sinner like me. Every time I fail, God is there helping me to overcome my struggles. Why? Because he is good, gracious and merciful.
When God is calling you to repentance, What must you do?
In the gospel, Jesus call Levi a sinner who leaves everything and follows him. We must also respond to the call and follow him.
Dear Lord, I offer my fast asking to give me the courage to be able to leave everything behind and follow you. Help me to show mercy to others the same way you show mercy to me.
First reading: Isaiah 58: 1-9
Psalm 51
Gospel: Matthew 9:14-15
Isaiah speaks about the fasting that God demands.
We know that the season of Lent is a period of fasting and abstinence.
So why are you fasting? In what way will this draw you to God?. In Isaiah God outlines what kind of fasting he requires. It involves sharing what we have with others. It is all about doing good to others in ways that you are able to. With this kind of fasting comes a promise. God will increase his blessings and healing and we can be certain of his mercy.
Personally, why am I fasting.
I chose to fast this lent, from the things that I felt were a hindrance in my faith journey. To gain freedom from the bad habits and addictions that I had developed over the years and to trust that God can help me overcome them.
I am fasting also because, I am asking God to help me in a project this coming month that I feel I need help with and that it is only by his strength in me that things can happen.
By fasting we are choosing to look up to God for our sustenance.
Dear Lord, I offer my fast asking to uphold my plans. Trusting that you would take care of them. That my actions are led by your spirit and inspired by your word. I pray for all my those who are holding a fast as well to break away from various addictions, or those who hope to seek you in this time that they may find you.
Day 4
First reading: Isaiah 58: 9-14
Psalm 86: 1-6
Gospel: Luke 5: 27-32;
"I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance" Lk 5: 32
This past week, I am reminded everyday of my daily struggles. What this season is doing is highlighting those areas of my life that I really need to work on. I am encouraged that God sees it all and he is not here for the righteous but the sinner like me. Every time I fail, God is there helping me to overcome my struggles. Why? Because he is good, gracious and merciful.
When God is calling you to repentance, What must you do?
In the gospel, Jesus call Levi a sinner who leaves everything and follows him. We must also respond to the call and follow him.
Dear Lord, I offer my fast asking to give me the courage to be able to leave everything behind and follow you. Help me to show mercy to others the same way you show mercy to me.
Lent Reflections Day 3 & 4
Day 3
First reading: Isaiah 58: 1-9
Psalm 51
Gospel: Matthew 9:14-15
Isaiah speaks about the fasting that God demands.
We know that the season of Lent is a period of fasting and abstinence.
So why are you fasting? In what way will this draw you to God?. In Isaiah God outlines what kind of fasting he requires. It involves sharing what we have with others. It is all about doing good to others in ways that you are able to. With this kind of fasting comes a promise. God will increase his blessings and healing and we can be certain of his mercy.
Personally, why am I fasting.
I chose to fast this lent, from the things that I felt were a hindrance in my faith journey. To gain freedom from the bad habits and addictions that I had developed over the years and to trust that God can help me overcome them.
I am fasting also because, I am asking God to help me in a project this coming month that I feel I need help with and that it is only by his strength in me that things can happen.
By fasting we are choosing to look up to God for our sustenance.
Dear Lord, I offer my fast asking to uphold my plans. Trusting that you would take care of them. That my actions are led by your spirit and inspired by your word. I pray for all my those who are holding a fast as well to break away from various addictions, or those who hope to seek you in this time that they may find you.
Day 4
First reading: Isaiah 58: 9-14
Psalm 86: 1-6
Gospel: Luke 5: 27-32;
"I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance" Lk 5: 32
This past week, I am reminded everyday of my daily struggles. What this season is doing is highlighting those areas of my life that I really need to work on. I am encouraged that God sees it all and he is not here for the righteous but the sinner like me. Every time I fail, God is there helping me to overcome my struggles. Why? Because he is good, gracious and merciful.
When God is calling you to repentance, What must you do?
In the gospel, Jesus call Levi a sinner who leaves everything and follows him. We must also respond to the call and follow him.
Dear Lord, I offer my fast asking to give me the courage to be able to leave everything behind and follow you. Help me to show mercy to others the same way you show mercy to me.
First reading: Isaiah 58: 1-9
Psalm 51
Gospel: Matthew 9:14-15
Isaiah speaks about the fasting that God demands.
We know that the season of Lent is a period of fasting and abstinence.
So why are you fasting? In what way will this draw you to God?. In Isaiah God outlines what kind of fasting he requires. It involves sharing what we have with others. It is all about doing good to others in ways that you are able to. With this kind of fasting comes a promise. God will increase his blessings and healing and we can be certain of his mercy.
Personally, why am I fasting.
I chose to fast this lent, from the things that I felt were a hindrance in my faith journey. To gain freedom from the bad habits and addictions that I had developed over the years and to trust that God can help me overcome them.
I am fasting also because, I am asking God to help me in a project this coming month that I feel I need help with and that it is only by his strength in me that things can happen.
By fasting we are choosing to look up to God for our sustenance.
Dear Lord, I offer my fast asking to uphold my plans. Trusting that you would take care of them. That my actions are led by your spirit and inspired by your word. I pray for all my those who are holding a fast as well to break away from various addictions, or those who hope to seek you in this time that they may find you.
Day 4
First reading: Isaiah 58: 9-14
Psalm 86: 1-6
Gospel: Luke 5: 27-32;
"I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance" Lk 5: 32
This past week, I am reminded everyday of my daily struggles. What this season is doing is highlighting those areas of my life that I really need to work on. I am encouraged that God sees it all and he is not here for the righteous but the sinner like me. Every time I fail, God is there helping me to overcome my struggles. Why? Because he is good, gracious and merciful.
When God is calling you to repentance, What must you do?
In the gospel, Jesus call Levi a sinner who leaves everything and follows him. We must also respond to the call and follow him.
Dear Lord, I offer my fast asking to give me the courage to be able to leave everything behind and follow you. Help me to show mercy to others the same way you show mercy to me.
Friday, 12 February 2016
Lent Reflections Day 1 & 2
Written by Elizabeth Etta:
Day 1
First reading: Joel 2:12-18
Second reading: 2 Corinthians 5:20-6:2
Psalm 51
Gospel: Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18
In Joel it says; return to the Lord your God for he is gracious and merciful; slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.
Look at where you are now and think of the things that are holding you back from giving your heart to God completely. What is the sin? At this start of lent, examine your heart and approach his throne of mercy. Repent wholeheartedly and see if your circumstances will not change and God himself will not bless you. Humble yourself before God. If there is someone you have not spoken to in a while. Call them, have a chat let them know you care.
Isn't it good to know that God is sovereign. In Mt 6, he warns us to examine the conditions of hearts. To seek his reward and not that of man. Whatever good deed you do, lift it to God in prayer. Even when you feel unappreciated, or your attempts at good works go unnoticed, God sees the intentions of your heart. Be diligent in the things you do and he himself will reward you.
Prayer: Lord, I offer up my fast today as a sign of my repentance and desire to seek you more wholeheartedly. Amen
Day 2
First reading: Deuteronomy 30: 15-20
Psalm 1:1-4; 6
Gospel: Luke 9:22-25:
In Deuteronomy it says; "By loving God, heeding his voice and holding fast to him will mean life for you.
Psalm 1:2: The law of the Lord is their Joy. God's law they study day and night.
The lord watches over the way of the just but the way of the wicked leads to ruin
Finally in the gospel, the part that speaks to me is when Jesus says "If anyone wishes to come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.
The scriptures of today speak of the fact that for anyone who calls himself a Christian must be in tune with the spirit. We must open our hearts and ears to hear what it is God wants from us. Not only that God does not promise that the tasks he has called us to would be easy. Unforgiveness is not easy to let go of, Pride is not easy to let go of, Wealth is not easy to let go of. There are so many things that we are still holding on to. Yet this is another reminder that we must deny ourselves of the things that give us pleasure in order to follow Christ. We are warned already that it would not be easy. Why then should we still follow him? Why should we take on the cross. Dear Friends, the answer is simple, God did it first. The bible says that he loved the world so much that he gave of himself. He came as Jesus, to die on the cross for our sins. An unjust suffering one may call it. It was the only way to defeat death and pay ransome for our sins. It was the ultimate act of love. So think of it this way. Every time, we carry our daily crosses difficult as they may be. By surrendering to the will of God, we are also lifting up others to the love and mercy of God. We are walking in the example of Christ. We are cleansing not just our spirits but those of others as well. Through reading scriptures, we are encouraged to obey the commandments of the Lord that we will be blessed.
Lent is a perfect season to journey with christ and join our suffering with his.
Lent allows us to lift our struggles and burdens to the one who has experienced it all.
Prayer: Lord I offer my fast today as a willingness to carry my cross. Lord I open my heart to let you show me ways in which I am failing and to rely on you to lift me up each time. This way I will trust and depend on you. Lord I offer my fast today that I may grow in humility and strength knowing that this is what you expect of me.
Day 1
First reading: Joel 2:12-18
Second reading: 2 Corinthians 5:20-6:2
Psalm 51
Gospel: Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18
In Joel it says; return to the Lord your God for he is gracious and merciful; slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.
Look at where you are now and think of the things that are holding you back from giving your heart to God completely. What is the sin? At this start of lent, examine your heart and approach his throne of mercy. Repent wholeheartedly and see if your circumstances will not change and God himself will not bless you. Humble yourself before God. If there is someone you have not spoken to in a while. Call them, have a chat let them know you care.
Isn't it good to know that God is sovereign. In Mt 6, he warns us to examine the conditions of hearts. To seek his reward and not that of man. Whatever good deed you do, lift it to God in prayer. Even when you feel unappreciated, or your attempts at good works go unnoticed, God sees the intentions of your heart. Be diligent in the things you do and he himself will reward you.
Prayer: Lord, I offer up my fast today as a sign of my repentance and desire to seek you more wholeheartedly. Amen
Day 2
First reading: Deuteronomy 30: 15-20
Psalm 1:1-4; 6
Gospel: Luke 9:22-25:
In Deuteronomy it says; "By loving God, heeding his voice and holding fast to him will mean life for you.
Psalm 1:2: The law of the Lord is their Joy. God's law they study day and night.
The lord watches over the way of the just but the way of the wicked leads to ruin
Finally in the gospel, the part that speaks to me is when Jesus says "If anyone wishes to come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.
The scriptures of today speak of the fact that for anyone who calls himself a Christian must be in tune with the spirit. We must open our hearts and ears to hear what it is God wants from us. Not only that God does not promise that the tasks he has called us to would be easy. Unforgiveness is not easy to let go of, Pride is not easy to let go of, Wealth is not easy to let go of. There are so many things that we are still holding on to. Yet this is another reminder that we must deny ourselves of the things that give us pleasure in order to follow Christ. We are warned already that it would not be easy. Why then should we still follow him? Why should we take on the cross. Dear Friends, the answer is simple, God did it first. The bible says that he loved the world so much that he gave of himself. He came as Jesus, to die on the cross for our sins. An unjust suffering one may call it. It was the only way to defeat death and pay ransome for our sins. It was the ultimate act of love. So think of it this way. Every time, we carry our daily crosses difficult as they may be. By surrendering to the will of God, we are also lifting up others to the love and mercy of God. We are walking in the example of Christ. We are cleansing not just our spirits but those of others as well. Through reading scriptures, we are encouraged to obey the commandments of the Lord that we will be blessed.
Lent is a perfect season to journey with christ and join our suffering with his.
Lent allows us to lift our struggles and burdens to the one who has experienced it all.
Prayer: Lord I offer my fast today as a willingness to carry my cross. Lord I open my heart to let you show me ways in which I am failing and to rely on you to lift me up each time. This way I will trust and depend on you. Lord I offer my fast today that I may grow in humility and strength knowing that this is what you expect of me.
Friday, 29 January 2016
A scripture to reflect on
Written by Elizabeth Etta:
This past week, I have been reflecting on the words of scripture
Luke 4:18-21
“The spirit of the lord has been given to me
for he has anointed me
He has sent me to bring
good news to the poor
TO proclaim liberty to
And to the blind new
to set the downtrodden
and to proclaim the Lord’s year of favour
He then rolled up the
scroll gave it back to the assistant and sat down. And to all eyes in the
synagogue were fixed on him. Then he began to speak to them. This text is being
filled today even as you listen…
Acts 1:8
You will receive power
when the Holy Spirit comes upon you and you will be my witnesses
was filled with the power of the holy spirit when he made this bold
proclamation about his purpose before all the people in the synagogue. In order
to realise what God’s purpose for our life is, we need the holy spirit. In Acts 1:8
the Holy Spirit was promised and then given and today like Christ, we now have received
the power of the holy spirit to be his witnesses.
mission as spirit filled christian is to reveal God to others.
we may ask? It can start by telling them about the good news. We are not to shy
away from telling others about the saving power of Jesus Christ. Are there
people in your life that you know will benefit from knowing Christ? Why not get
to know them more and share the amazing knowledge that you have of the gospel
with them.
have the power to heal others through our words and by our actions. This could
include outreach programs, alms giving, pastoral work etc.
bible says that God’s word are spirit and life. When I read the words, “the text is being
fulfilled today as you listen”.
made me realise that the will of God for us is to have an abundant life here. A great
life is possible as long as we trust in God’s words for us his children. When we trust
God, even when things are not going as we or others think they should. We still
have the confidence in knowing that our father will work to perfect us and bring every
situation for the greater good of us and others.
words of scripture that stood out to me was “to proclaim the Lord’s year of favour.
that statement, I see God’s promises of abundant kindness and grace for me this year. I
boldly claim these year as a year of favour. His ability to help me fulfil the
desires that he has put in my heart. One of the difficulties of trying to live
according to God’s will is that you face opposition, disbelief, your own inner
fears and doubt.
the challenges, I feel I am beginning to identify more with Christ. As much as
I would want to refuse any responsibility for my own personal reasons, I am
reminded that God will grant me the graces I need. God’s year of favour is my opportunity to take on
the challenges in order to grow in spirit and draw closer to him. I see it as
God’s way of reaching out to
others, through me if only I accept my cross and follow him so that in the end
he is glorified.
question, I put out to you now is; What context does the scripture apply to you
today? How is it being fulfilled in your life; Are you letting God work through
Lord we have received your Holy Spirit through our baptism,
through declaration of our faith and through the hearing of your word. Help us
to activate those gifts that we have received, in order that it may lead to the
salvation of our souls and those of others for that is your will.
Friday, 22 January 2016
What is My Time?
by Elizabeth Etta
Less critical of others
Not compromising in confusing lust with love
Less selfish or taking those who love me for granted in the way
I treat them or make them feel.
What is my time?
“There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under the heavens:
a time to be born and a time to die,
a time to plant and a time to uproot,
a time to kill and a time to heal,
a time to tear down and a time to build,
a time to weep and a time to laugh,
a time to mourn and a time to dance,
a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing,
a time to search and a time to give up,
a time to keep and a time to throw away,
a time to tear and a time to mend,
a time to be silent and a time to speak,
a time to love and a time to hate,
a time for war and a time for peace…
He has made everything beautiful in its time”.
I came upon this scripture verse in my bible
reflection time a week ago and went about trying to understand why God led me to
this verse and what He was trying to say in my life?
Life as we know it is always in season. There
are times when we are happy, sad, fearful, conflicted, angry and other varying emotions depending on the circumstances we find ourselves in. If a
situation is often difficult or unexpected, we find ourselves wondering where
God is in those moments.
Ecclesiastes mentions a season. God allows
seasons in our lives to achieve a greater purpose than we can imagine. This
chapter draws me to examine the current seasons of my life and how I choose to
respond to the experiences in it.
The time of waiting
In the time of waiting it teaches patience.
As I experience longing and loneliness, this waiting season encourages me to
seek a deeper intimacy with Christ, the One who is the lover of my soul. I also
have a greater opportunity to fellowship with others and dedicate my time to doing what God has called me to do. So in my season of waiting, Lord, let it
bring glory to You.
The time to build
God has put plans in my heart through the
talent He has blessed me with to use to build His kingdom on earth. Lord, let
me take on the challenge to build Your kingdom as You see fit.
A time to embrace
This season sees doors opening for me, and I
am called to embrace the opportunities that God presents in front of me.
A time to laugh and
The past year till now, there has been a lot
to celebrate. Nothing significant has happened to cause me grief. I feel like I
am living in a state of grace where there are more things to laugh about. I
have a great family and friends. In fact, I am thinking of doing more dancing
this year.
A time to speak
It’s my time to speak. I’ve had my season of silence, but this year I feel that I am
called to use my voice for a greater calling. To speak truth in the lives of
others. To speak truth in the lives of my family and members of my church.
A time to Love
I am called to a greater love. One that is
self-giving like Christ. To love even when I feel unappreciated. To love even
when I feel unloved. In this time to love, I find that the areas in which God
pointed out I needed to exercise love is by being;
It’s sometimes difficult to see the bigger picture when you find
yourself in an unexpected season. Perhaps your season looks a lot different
to mine. Ecclesiastes reminds us that God is aware of the seasons we are in.
We are placed in those seasons for a reason to discover our purpose, to live a
richer life. In all seasons of your life, let God in. It is the only way to
experience beauty in your season. It takes the difficult seasons in life to
fully appreciate the beauty of a “fruitful season.” Whatever season you are in, be it good or bad remember that God
is in control. He has made and will make everything beautiful in His time.
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