Thursday, 26 June 2014

A Leader’s Journey through the Quick Journey through the Bible

By Pat Pagulayan

Here I am, wide awake at 3am, reflecting on the last 8 weeks of StAY. Blame it on my malfunctioning body clock courtesy of doing shift work.

Anyway, as you all know, we have had Jeff Cavin’s Quick Journey through the Bible in the last 8 weeks of cell group. I can’t fully recall how the idea came about, but I remember that it was a choice between Jeff Cavin’s Quick Journey through the Bible, Fr. Robert Barron’s Catholicism, or Christopher West’s Theology of the Body. It was not an easy choice to make, as there is a need to inform young adults on those 3 topics, most especially on Theology of the Body.

But at the end of the day, I decided to go with the Quick Journey through the Bible. Above all, as Catholics, we should know more about God. And what better way to start knowing more about Him (other than journeying with Him of course), than to know His Word. Aside from that, StAY’s mission is to bring God to young people. A lot of young people like you and I are seeking God; that’s perhaps why some of us came to StAY in the first place. And God has revealed so much of Himself and His love for us in His Word. As St. Jerome said, “Ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ.”

Sadly, a lot of us lack appreciation for the Bible, and it is difficult to be motivated to read something that we don’t appreciate. Personally, being led to have this for cell group is God’s gentle nudge on me to read the Bible in an organised manner as well. I have started reading the New Testament back in September last year and it has opened my eyes to how valuable the truths that God’s Word provide. I started encouraging people in my small group to read it as well, however, the most common question thrown at me were “how do we read the Bible?” or “where do we start reading the Bible?” And so the decision to push for Quick Journey through the Bible (QJB) came about.

Then the organising part came. First of all, we needed the materials. Jessica Lee from Emmaus has kindly lent StAY her DVD, Leader’s Manual, and Student Workbook. Reproducing the workbook was easy. However, the Bible Timeline Chart was another story. It’s painstaking enough to assemble them one by one, but moreover, to write on every single one of them as I realised that some of the words were too light to be read. But I guess the excitement took over, and by God’s grace, I was able to assemble 40 charts before Session 1.

Productivity came with a downside though. I was just recovering from a spiritual/emotional/psychological roller coaster during Lent, and as I got caught up with the preparations for QJB, my prayer life dwindled. I could hear Kenny’s words echoing: “Manage your priorities. Spend time with God. Ministry doesn’t necessarily bring you closer to Him.” In my head, I was just pushing myself to think that I only need to get through the first session, then everything will flow from that. True enough, it was just Session 1 that needed the most preparation. I’m very thankful to Jack for taking over the Spiritual Gifts session we had at cell group as it bought me more time to prepare.

Second, the facilitators. The first question in my mind was how am I going to get people to jump into the boat with me when I myself don’t know what I’m getting myself into? But as God once again proved to me that He will always provide, He has put courage in the hearts of some members to step up and take this journey with me. As majority of them are new ones, the StAY Leaders have willingly buddied-up with each facilitator to guide them and the group as well.

Everything was set and all good to go.

Session 1. There were around 25 people who were there as we started opening prayer. A lot of new faces, which is good. Then more people came. And more people came. And more people came. Before we started watching the DVD, there were around 40 people in the room! We had to grab more chairs from the other rooms to accommodate everyone. It is at these times that I thank God that I have OCD. I prepared for 4 groups, but I also had a back-up leader in case we needed a 5th group (which we did). We ended up having to put a group in the hallway because there were too many.

As I looked around the room that evening, I felt overwhelmed. At the same time, I felt upset. Recalling all the hours I spent on assembling materials, I thought to myself, “Oh, they’re not here for cell group; they’re just here for the Quick Journey”. Right there and then, I felt God convict me, asking me why I’m doing this whole activity in the first place: is it to get people to come to cell group, or to provide people an opportunity to appreciate and know His Word?

Ouch. That hit me right where it was meant to. I thank God for putting that in my heart right at the very start. It has taught me a valuable lesson on leadership and humility. Getting my intention right has provided my perspective a steady ground that enabled me to just be still in the challenges of the remaining 7 weeks.

The remaining weeks were alright. There were a few bumps here and there, such as the projector suddenly deciding to retire, sudden change in venue, change in facilitators, absent facilitators, sub-optimal speakers, etc. But yeah, I guess we cruised right through it.

And now, 8 weeks is done and over with. The first thing I thought of was, “Yes! No more luggage to drag around!”

But on a serious note, all I could think of after was that I hope that the 8 weeks have somehow stirred up something within those who have taken the Quick Journey through the Bible to actually start picking up and reading their Bible. I pray that there is more appreciation for God’s Word, not just from the lecture, but from the small group sharing as well.

It amazes me how the whole story is focused on a basic and simple question: Do you trust God? Jesus came, relived the experience of the Israelites, and proved that yes, we can trust God. And as I reflect on my walk in these past 8 weeks as well, God has proven once again that yes, I can trust Him.

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