Thursday, 18 September 2014

90-Day Bible Challenge: A Reflection on the Maccabean Revolt (1 Maccabees)

by Pat Pagulayan

Although most of the book of Maccabees is about the battles that Judas, Jonathan, and Simon fought and the allies they have made, the highlight for me was the fatherhood of Mattathias. It's amazing how even though there's just literally one chapter on him in the entire book (1 Maccabees 2), the influence he has made on his sons set the plot for the rest of the story. All that he did was to stand up for God and for what his faith dictates of him and pass it on to his sons – simple yet remarkable and longstanding.

He drew examples from the characters in the scriptures to teach and remind his sons to trust the Lord (1 Macc 2:51-60), and trust the Lord they did. His final words before his death reminds me that it is not about being successful, but about being faithful. It also reminds me that even if I don't understand the things that are going on in my life, I just need to be faithful and trust God because even if I don't see/feel it, He is always working. Just like the characters Mattathias referred to, they didn't know what God was doing in their lives, yet they remained faithful to Him.

That being said, it is easier said than done.

But we just keep on trying – to trust and be faithful.

As Mattathias said, "None of those who put their trust in Him will lack strength." (1 Macc 2:61)

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