Friday, 28 June 2013

Changes - Renewal?

By Jack Chui

I have been through times in my life where there were just lots of things happening. There has always been work, but add on that study, ministry, sport - it just saps time and there just seems like I'm being stretched. I'm going through one of those times at the moment and one of the things is STAY.

After a good discussion last Sunday with mostly new people in STAY, we've decided to change our cell group time from Sunday at noon to a weekday evening - Tuesday. A weeknight seems to work better for most people and it probably shows because few people turn up on Sunday at lunch after mass and if they can come, its not very consistent.

The change to Tuesday also clashes with another cell group which I host for 'all ages' but I did this deliberately because otherwise, I would be out two nights a week at two different cell groups which I would be mostly leading. Scheduling them at the same time would mean that I can only be in one or the other. For now, STAY or young adults needs more help than my other more established cell group (called Emmaus)

I've been trying to train a new leader in Emmaus cell group for some time now, but its something I've really struggled at. I've focused finding leaders this year more so than I have in previous years so that I wouldn't be always leading it and so that I can concentrate more on STAY. With this change, Emmaus will be more forced to choose that leader.

I don't mean to just leave Emmaus to fall or anything. The group has been a source of strength to me in my journey and it has taught me about the joys of ministry. I would like to see it grow and do even greater things and I think it is time for a new leader to take that forward. I have been a leader of the cell group for at least 3 years it seems and I've journeyed with it through its ups and downs.

I will be close to Emmaus because we can still combine the STAY cell group with it for a bigger meeting occasionally. It also helps me share resources with the two cell groups as the materials for study/discussion can be the same for both.

There is more hope in me of a renewal in STAY. New people have been coming to STAY and coming back to me with ideas and wanting to help out more. I haven't seen the people that used to come to STAY before but now I see new faces, more eager than me to help STAY. It was these new people that came to suggest the new cell group time and ideas in what it should do. We also have the opportunity to help out in a new monthly Praise and Worship night which STAY can be a part of - the first of this kick's off at St. Augustine's on Wednesday night 31st July.

Perhaps its just my feelings of busyness as I've to prepare for this change, while house hunting and biggest of all, organise a moving day to bring mattresses from generous donors to the refugees who need them --- that is drawing my attention away from the exciting renewal and changes that can take place with STAY. I don't mind the busyness so much as its all activity that helps bring God's kingdom closer to earth. In fact I probably enjoy it more than I make out with my writing here. It would be good to have more time to pray.

Please pray for me and for STAY. God bless.

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