Saturday, 8 June 2013


By Jack Chui

The last few weeks/months have been a difficult one for the STAY ministry. We only run a cell group each Sunday after morning mass and most times there are very few people coming and sometimes none at all. Its all part of the widely known and difficult challenge of running a young adults/youth ministry. I don't mind failure as I've learnt its Holy Spirit which has to do most of the work, and He decides whether how this ministry ultimately goes.

Its more difficult because I seem to be operating alone. Jean is there but she will leave soon to much greater things =) and when she goes, it will be even more lonely. Being the only leader means I have to do everything and the problem is that I can't. Some things are easy, like sending emails and setting up cell group, but there are functions which I'm not able to do because I'm one person.

Some of the things that the ministry needs that has been lacking in me is being in relationship with the others in STAY. I just have no time to build relationships with people because I'm so busy organising things. Its really relationship that gets people to come to STAY and I've noticed that I just been trying to run a ministry without so much the relationship part.

Another thing I haven't been able to do is to think about what direction and what activities STAY should do. All I know how to do is keep things going. I don't even care enough to pray for STAY and its direction. Have I just assumed that God will work His magic with just me being faithful and just keeping things going?

Its true that the 'successful' youth ministries have a team of leaders and its just too hard for one person to do everything. I've not asked anyone to help me lead so much because no one has really come on a consistent basis. Its just hard with young people as we have so much other stuff to do over the weekend and sometimes they can't always attend. I myself suffer from the same problem but I choose to give my time on Sundays for ministry. Could it be that the timing doesn't suit most people? Either way I think that if its on a weeknight, it would still have the same problem --- there is no good time to meet?

I've been thinking of what STAY should do in the future. Is there actually a need for a young adults ministry in St. Augustine's? The young people must be going somewhere (I hope). Perhaps it just needs to transform into something less formal, much more relationship based. Church is still a place to meet and welcome new people and I'm grateful that STAY has been welcome to many youth who have come to the church over the last few years.

I've been putting off writing about the STAY Ministry for some time, but its useful to share my thoughts and feelings so that those who aren't able to make it, that have come and can not come back, can see what is going on in STAY. Please pray for me, STAY and the young people who we come across.

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