Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Firebrandz Worship Night - Was it a Good Friday?

March 26, 2014
Speaker: Fr. Victor Faruggia

The night opened with an invitation for us to be with Jesus at Gethsemane. With dim lights and contemplative music, we were led by Aaron and Jessica to prayer and quiet reflection, creating an environment apt for Fr. Victor Faruggia’s talk on “Was it a GOOD Friday?”

And it wasn’t just a “talk” - it was a pilgrimage. From being with Jesus at Gethsemane, we became pilgrims, taking a walk to discover the essence of Jesus’ death on the cross. It’s easy to say that Jesus died on the cross because of His love for us. But what does that actually mean? How is it any different to someone who says they love us and brings upon death to themselves?

Jesus loves us so much that He came down to hell (here ends life and love) through the cross. He who is God, came to BE with us in our hell - in situations where life and love in our own lives end. Hanging there on the cross, Jesus Christ became subjected to anger, hatred, shame, isolation, pain, and betrayal. Our Lord became vulnerable, reminding us that in moments when we feel vulnerable to situations where life and love ends, we can draw strength and life from Him who was able to overcome hell through love.

As Fr. Vic said, we cannot carry the cross in which we ourselves are crucified. It is only through Him who overcome hell through the cross that we are going to be able to pick-up our own crosses and follow Him.

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