Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Firebrandz 1st Anniversary Thanksgiving Mass

July 30, 2014

In thanksgiving for all the blessings that God has done in Firebrandz, Fr. Victor Faruggia celebrated the Mass with us, inviting everyone present that evening to come up as Christ’s church and partake in the liturgy of the Eucharist. Diana Mascarenhas, the director of ICPE Mission New Zealand, graced us with her presence as she led a felicitation program that evening.

Since its conception here in Melbourne last year, Firebrandz has been an ongoing testimony of trusting in the Lord, His providence, and just saying “yes” to Him. It has truly been a blessed year. Firebrandz and StAY have been such blessings, not just to each other, but for the community as well.

We’d like to thank everyone who celebrate this momentous and joyful time with us in thanksgiving for all the wonders the Lord has done! May we be continually guided by the Holy Spirit and be fruitful.

Of Babies and Chromosomes...

by Shirley Shim

I guess I've never really thought about what happens after conception and I've definitely forgotten what I learnt in Biology in school. I had this light bulb moment the other day as we were all watching the video Bella's mum showed us at the baby shower. The specific line that caught my attention was about how 23 chromosomes from the mum and 23 chromosomes from the dad come together and each form a pair to make 23 pairs. The significant part was how each one from dad joins each one of mum's to form a pair. That blew me away as to how God has made everything perfectly complementing each other and that is just how it is meant to be, it's how nature works, it's how God works, and that is simply amazing.

It made me realise a couple of things about same sex marriages and relationships. I used to think that it was no big deal, let people do what they want, it's their life, they should be able to decide their own future, human rights, etc... but I guess in the last couple of years, especially after Theology of the Body, I know God created us man and woman for a purpose, there is just a natural order to a heterosexual union, there should be Godly love and respect in every natural union. He meant for man and woman to be a part of creation, He created both man and woman to create life TOGETHER. 

I'm not saying I'm homophobic or against homosexuals, but I see now their struggles. I don't believe there is anything wrong with homosexuals, and we are all alike in our struggles with sexuality and what the world views as acceptable. Ultimately the sin is in carrying out the action, but not in who we are. Whether we are heterosexual or homosexual, there is no sin in that. We sin when we start acting out those desires when we're not meant to. It's very much a struggle we all face, be it pre-marital sex or same sex unions, it's that desire to satisfy our very human wants. Want because it is what we desire but not what we need. 

So how then when we try to make legal what is not in the natural order of things? We fight for human rights, however there is a very fine line between what is the right of a human and when we try to be God and change the nature of life on the basis of "human rights". We only have one God and master, we are not our own God and we should not bend the definitions of human rights to our liking in order to achieve our own selfish wants. Human rights is not an excuse to use and distort to our liking.

On saying that, I just want to say that our struggles are all the same, heterosexuals and homosexuals struggle just as much with lust and sin. We are not to judge or be judged by mere mortals. God loves each and every one of us, blemishes and all, and we are all beautifully and wonderfully made. 

Tuesday, 29 July 2014

A Wise Man Knows...

by Shirley Shim

Fr Teo's homily at St Aug's on Sunday night was very powerful. He tied the first reading (1 Kgs 3:5, 7-12) to the Gospel (Mt 13:44-52) very nicely. First he spoke about how out of everything Solomon could have asked God for, he asked God for wisdom. Then Fr asked us, if we could ask God for anything, what would we ask Him for? I thought about it then and the first thing that came to my mind wasn't wisdom, but then I tried to think about my life, the decisions I've made and the insights God has blessed me with and I'd like to think that He has given me a small fraction of that wisdom and for that I'm grateful for being able to think certain things through. This and what Father had said made me realise wisdom is indeed a very powerful and precious gift. Decisions made unwisely tend to lead to chaos and destruction. 

As humans we often want to see action, we assume that action means progress and inaction means nonchalance or indifference. It takes a wise person to see that sometimes things are left as they are for a reason, or even for a better outcome. For example last week's gospel (Mt 13:24-43) about the wheat and the weed, the workers wanted to pull out the weeds (action), but the wise master said to leave them be (inaction), let them grow together with the wheat and when come harvest time, the weeds will be separated from the wheat and thrown out. So also like the gospel this week, in fishing, when they haul in the massive net of fish, the bad ones will be separated from the good haul and thrown out, and just like the end of age, the angels will separate the wicked from the righteous and throw them into the fiery furnace. 

When we ourselves try to carry out this action and be God, the outcome is always horrendous. Look at the many examples in history, Hitler tried to create the ultimate master race by annihilating the Jews and others that he considered unworthy, Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge wanted to exterminate an entire class of people, trying to claim progress in doing so. ISIS now trying to rid Christians in Syria and Iraq by enforcing inter-faith conversion or death, including killing of their own Muslim brothers for not adhering to their laws as they interpret it. Even the many actions of a certain country in declaring war and killing off another country's leader, what has that action brought on? Instant gratification that the tyrant leader is dead, and maybe a sudden uptake of sales in weaponry thus improving the manufacturing country's economy, but what about the cascading effect that has since occurred? A longer lasting effect of intense fighting, a country run by outlaws and worse oppression from some people who have no brains and no soul. The people were better off with the tyrant leader. Were all this actions done in wisdom? The powers that be of this world may not be the wisest of men but instead seek to be God over others.

Father ended his homily saying that he's learnt to accept people and things and not try to change them. Sometimes there is a bigger purpose that we as mere humans are not meant to be aware of. Let's not try to be God and decide on someone else's life or future. It takes a wise man to know when to just let things be...

The Spirit of Generosity

by Emma Jenkins

The Spirit of Generosity.

The Generosity of Spirit

Beyond my every expectation

Friends of Refugees

Is the power of human kindness

The joy in giving

The light in happiness

Buoyant and somewhat bewildered, I wondered how it is that one can derive so much fulfillment from so little.

Of course, I’m not talking of the enormous effort that goes into the logistical success of Friends of Refugees.  No, what I want to highlight is my opening points, this culmination of generosity that is exchanged between both recipients of goodwill.

What becomes really apparent to me during my experience is the beauty within this “Spirit of Generosity” and how it transpires and transcends into the “Generosity of Spirit”.  Much like alchemy, basic material needs are transformed into something worth so much more.

It’s the steadfast braveness of opening one’s own heart to a perfect stranger. The enormous embrace and respect in sharing one mans’ spirit with another. When you see all preconceived ideas, barriers, religious inclinations and status quo’s simply melt away, evaporate. Allowing a purity of heart to shine through, resulting in a free flowing incandescent energy that gives you a true sense of living in the moment. We become at one with another and at one with the universe. Remarkably, in return,

we actually deepen our connection with ourselves where we recalibrate, leaving a renewed sense of self with a greater clarity in focus.

It’s a simple and ancient formula and it is called LOVE.

What is actually provided at Friends of Refugees is love. From Friends of Refugees to Refugees and returned 100 fold to Friends of Refugees.

The world needs more of it.

If one can derive so much fulfillment from doing so little, why would we not share it more freely?

Thank you for sharing this and yourselves with me.

In practicing the “Spirit of Generosity” we become  “Generosity of Spirit”

On a cellular level, we can be the change we want to see in the world.

Sunday, 27 July 2014

90-Day Bible Challenge: Reflections from Egypt and Exodus (Exodus 1 - 40)

On Moses’ Calling (Exodus 3)

I am struck by the persistent claim by Moses of his incompetence, coming up with all sorts of excuses. Yet, God's saving plan prevails. It is amazing how much more persistent God is in saving His people and how He can work through and around our incompetence, even when we don't trust Him.
-        Jeanne C

I've always questioned since I was little, why does God let people suffer? All the war victims, the poor/homeless people, the refugees, etc.? If He is almighty, why couldn't He save them all?
Then I read Exodus and I realized, maybe just like God sent Moses to the people of Israel, He also sent His people to those in need, but unlike Moses who kept finding excuses but ended up going anyway, we often make up excuses and don't do anything.
Now I can only imagine how people are suffering and God's heart is breaking seeing His children like that, but when He told us to do work for Him, to help His people, we keep trying to find excuses not to go, and so those people keep suffering and God's heart keeps breaking.
So I think it's a challenge for all of us on how we should keep discerning His call on each of us, be more aware of our surroundings, and see where God wants us to go and what He wants us to do for Him. He might need us to save our brothers and sisters who need our help, so let's be aware and be active. We have Friends of Refugees in STAY, we have Vinnies, and other organizations in Melbourne as well, or we can even go overseas and help those countries who need a lot of help. God is calling His people in different ways. Sometimes maybe it's not even material needs, but spiritual needs. Maybe they are searching for Jesus but they don't know how; maybe they're lonely and yearning for God but they don't realize. Let's be more aware of our surroundings and ask God what He wants from us, where He wants to send us. Just like Moses, let's humbly say "here I am" when God calls our names and let His will be done on us.
-        Mario WP

What I am finding about Exodus is that God want us, His children to do well - to achieve the things we never thought we were capable of be it physically but most especially spiritually. Despite all of Moses’ excuses, God could have lost His patience and send someone else, but here we have a loving God who is encouraging telling him that despite what Moses may think, He chooses him because He believes in him. Despite Moses questioning God and wanting signs, God agrees to give Moses signs to take back. I hope when God calls me, I can learn to trust Him, His word, and not find a reason not to obey His calling for my life. I am determined that His word is enough to question him less and trust Him more because He is God.
-        Elizabeth E

I think of all the times we fall and why He picks us up and think it's not a reflection of who we are, but a reflection of who He is!
-        Surath F

Hardening Pharaoh’s Heart (Exodus 4:21)

As what Jeff Cavin’s said, the main issue was not getting the Israelites out of Egypt, but more on getting "Egypt" out of Israel, which is a much bigger problem as it is something that has already been deeply ingrained in the Israelites.
And as God has brought forth each plague (as a result of pharaoh's hardened heart), each plague has shown that YHWH is more powerful than the corresponding Egyptian gods that each plague symbolises.
It's like God saying to His people that He is the one and only God.
-        Pat P

God hardening pharaoh’s heart was to deliberately show his power (as opposed to the Egyptian gods).
-        Surath F

I reread the reason pharaoh’s heart was hardened by the Lord and came up with the fact that God wanted to show, not just the Israelites who their God was, but to ensure that all the Egyptians knew that it was the God of Israel who was mightier than all the other Egyptian Gods.
-        Elizabeth E

God Tried to Kill Moses? (Exodus 4:24-26)

If we think of death as separation from God, and killing is putting someone to death, then I'd say killing in there means separating Moses from God. Moses' wife wasn't a Jew. When Moses came back to his family and told them about all the things, I wouldn't think that his family would have just accepted everything like that. Hence trying to kill Moses might mean Moses’ struggle not to be separated from God by fighting with his wife. And finally Moses prevailed. Her wife finally realized that his God was the true God, so her wife circumcised the son to fulfil God's covenant with Israel.
-        Mario WP

The Lord trying to kill Moses is a strange episode. My bible (CTS bible) has a comment saying that the original story may have had the attacker as a demon and the episode with the circumcision was to legitimate Moses marriage to a foreign woman.
-        Surath F

Like God wrestling with Jacob, God held Moses in a "death grip" (hence the word “kill”). Moses, being raised up in an egyptian household, is uncircumcised (although in some articles, because Jethro was Midianite, they reckon he most probably circumcised Moses before marrying off his daughter to him). But the Midianites don't circumcise infants and that explains why Zipporah is so upset that she put the prepuce at his feet and said the bloody expression. And she only did that because God held Moses on a death grip. Basically, it shows the importance of circumcision as a sign of covenant of God's people to Him.
-        Pat P

The Plagues (Exodus 7-11)

Reading through the plagues, I got so annoyed with pharaoh! I found him so stubborn and so full of pride. Until I realised I'm actually no different from him. Hit right in the core.
Although it makes me think - does the Lord intentionally harden our hearts? Does He intentionally make my heart stubborn so His will be done? Is He intentionally doing it for me to learn?
-        Pat P

In the context of pharaoh, yes! He hardened his heart and that played a big part in the exodus. But with us, it comes to discernment. And that goes hand in hand with prayer. Sometimes it's good to be stubborn. Other times no. Prayer helps us discern. Or at least I think anyway.
-        Surath F

Instructions to Moses regarding the Tabernacle and its Furnishings (Exodus 25)

Is it just me, or do you find Exodus 25-30 difficult to read as well?
It's as if God has OCD too!
What amazes me was how Moses remembered all of those instructions for 40 days and 40 nights. I mean, he could have at least written it somewhere to remember all of it!
And here I am, struggling to remember even at least 10 bible verses.
-        Pat P

No distractions. I think Moses was less distracted than we can be.
-        Nicole C

It was because Moses had no distractions. His main purpose was to glorify god, love god, and bring people to God. He put god first in everything he did. And if you love someone that much, you want to remember everything about the person.
-        Jess T

I guess it's like those times when you like someone and you remember his/her every sentence, only this one was much deeper.
-        Mario WP

Building the Tabernacle (Exodus 36)

Reading chapter 36 about building tabernacle reminds me of FORM.
There are people who are willing to give the materials (donations), there are people who are willing to use the materials and work from it (volunteers), and all are done because God stirs our hearts. All is done in the name of God, which is love.
He always provides, too much sometimes, that we had to reject some donations.
And we're working to build a place to meet with God, so that the refugees can see God through us and we can see God through them.
The tabernacle build by Moses might have been lost, but as we're reading the verses now, I believe God is building more and more of his tabernacle through the people whose hearts he stirred, just like FORM.
Different instructions, different forms, different people, but still the same mystery, same miracles, and same providence as the Bible told us
It's really amazing when I think of it that way
Lately I've been hearing news of war and tragedy in Palestine, Iraq, etc., which are quite discouraging to be honest. But I guess knowing that God is working His way through this difficult time, even now, is giving me hope and encouragement
It's not time to be discouraged. It’s time to let God stirs our hearts to build his tabernacle, where we can meet him in the ministry that we do.
-        Mario WP

I think God sometimes gives us instructions and tasks to do not just for his glory but for us to have a sense of accomplishment and in order to use our God given talents not just for us but to reach out to others as well.
-        Elizabeth E

The Tabernacle (Exodus 40)

The tabernacle was so holy that they need to tie a string in those who went in, and they could only go in once a year! And see how lucky we are to be able to have God right at our finger tips and yet we view the Eucharist as a mere ritual.
A priest told me a few days ago, when you go for mass , you’re supposed to put everything at the feet of the cross, all your worries, anxieties, and give it up to Jesus, then only can you fully participate in the mass. How important it is for us to prepare for it. Preparation is so important.
You can't cook without preparation, you can't have a shower without preparing yourself. We need to prepare for our eternal journey with God. So the next time you go for mass, go early and prepare your hearts.
-        Jess T

God made the tabernacle glorious according to man's standard, with gold, silver, and bronze, and He told men to make it. Whereas in contrast, in Jesus, it is truly the works of God and not of men, and He is glorious, not according to men's standard but according to God. He didn't wear majestic crown, no golden throne, and no expensive robe. Instead, he wore the crown of thorns, crucified on the cross, and stripped naked like a criminal. But the beauty that He radiates is so amazing that we can still see it now.
-        Mario  WP

The Best of Me

by Mario WP

I’m not that good at writing and I usually write very long, so I’m actually not sure if it is a good idea for me to write this and put in the blog. However, a part of me keeps saying that it is not good for me to keep this to myself and there might be others who are struggling with similar issues as mine, so I decided I should just go ahead anyway and hopefully this post can be useful to someone. 

Here we go:
I remember years ago, when I first saw American Idol on TV, I prayed to God so I could sing like the contestants in that show (I was tone-deaf at that time and I hated my own singing). Same thing happened when I saw the people who were good at sports or those who were born genius or those born in rich families. I wasn’t happy with what I had at that time, and I wished God could somehow change me so I could become like others who I thought were more fortunate than me. Needless to say, none of that happened. Then these thoughts went on and on in my mind: “Has God never heard my prayer? Is it meaningless to ask from Him?” and after a while, I was getting used to think that God sometimes hears our prayers and sometimes doesn’t. 

But as I struggled to get closer to Him, I tried to think again of what I was praying before and I realized that this is what I actually asked: I wanted to be the other person. I wasn’t satisfied with myself, I didn’t feel I was special enough, I didn’t feel I was talented enough. I just wanted to be someone who was not myself.

I didn’t realize God couldn’t do that. Not because He didn’t have the power to, but simply because if He had granted my prayer, that’s the same as admitting that I wasn’t good enough, that I wasn’t made properly and I could do better if I was a different person. In short, He would have denied me my existence, had He done that. But He didn’t do that, because just like others, I was made of His own image. I was created fearfully and wonderfully, and although sometimes I wasn’t aware of that, He knows. God loves me just the way I am and He doesn’t want to make me a person I am not, and He doesn’t have a reason to, because He knows just how amazing He made me to be.

So now I look at my life again. I still can’t sing like those singers in American Idol, but I have grown to like my own voice and it’s good enough to praise God. I’m not fantastic at sports, but I’m fit enough to live my life without any problems. I’m not a genius, but I know what I need to know to live on my own. I’m not rich, but I can live every day without worrying about what I should eat tomorrow or where I’m going to sleep the next day, and I can even start to think of giving to others. He didn’t change me to a person I am not, but He brings the best of me. He believes in me, He knows what I can do, and He keeps guiding me to be what He plans me to be. By His grace, I am who I am today, which is still far from perfect, but slowly getting closer to the amazing person He created me to be: a person created of His own image.

So now I want to change my prayer. Not asking to be someone which is not me anymore, but to be the person He created me to be, to be the best of me. And for others who have the same problem as me, I pray that you can also be the best of yourself. Please don’t forget that we are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14). We are blessed in our own ways and God loves us as ourselves. Amen.