by Shirley Shim
I guess I've never really thought about what happens after conception and I've definitely forgotten what I learnt in Biology in school. I had this light bulb moment the other day as we were all watching the video Bella's mum showed us at the baby shower. The specific line that caught my attention was about how 23 chromosomes from the mum and 23 chromosomes from the dad come together and each form a pair to make 23 pairs. The significant part was how each one from dad joins each one of mum's to form a pair. That blew me away as to how God has made everything perfectly complementing each other and that is just how it is meant to be, it's how nature works, it's how God works, and that is simply amazing.
It made me realise a couple of things about same sex marriages and relationships. I used to think that it was no big deal, let people do what they want, it's their life, they should be able to decide their own future, human rights, etc... but I guess in the last couple of years, especially after Theology of the Body, I know God created us man and woman for a purpose, there is just a natural order to a heterosexual union, there should be Godly love and respect in every natural union. He meant for man and woman to be a part of creation, He created both man and woman to create life TOGETHER.
I'm not saying I'm homophobic or against homosexuals, but I see now their struggles. I don't believe there is anything wrong with homosexuals, and we are all alike in our struggles with sexuality and what the world views as acceptable. Ultimately the sin is in carrying out the action, but not in who we are. Whether we are heterosexual or homosexual, there is no sin in that. We sin when we start acting out those desires when we're not meant to. It's very much a struggle we all face, be it pre-marital sex or same sex unions, it's that desire to satisfy our very human wants. Want because it is what we desire but not what we need.
So how then when we try to make legal what is not in the natural order of things? We fight for human rights, however there is a very fine line between what is the right of a human and when we try to be God and change the nature of life on the basis of "human rights". We only have one God and master, we are not our own God and we should not bend the definitions of human rights to our liking in order to achieve our own selfish wants. Human rights is not an excuse to use and distort to our liking.
On saying that, I just want to say that our struggles are all the same, heterosexuals and homosexuals struggle just as much with lust and sin. We are not to judge or be judged by mere mortals. God loves each and every one of us, blemishes and all, and we are all beautifully and wonderfully made.
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