Saturday 28 December 2013

Gift Boxes!

By Aaron D'Souza

This is a reflection I had after listening to the homily by Fr. Vella. 
Fr. Vella told us a parable of the man who died and met St. Peter in heaven. I have typed a shorter version of the parable and a reflection .

St. Peter showed him around and the man noticed a store house. In the store house he saw a number of boxes stacked up which had his names on them.  Out of curiosity, he asked St. Peter why were there boxes with his name on it. Peter replied ' These boxes contain the gifts which our Father wanted to give you during life on earth. But whenever he came to meet you. You were never there to receive it. So He came back to heaven and stored these gifts in the warehouse. These boxes symbolise all the gifts you did not receive ur entire life'

What I like about this parable is that God never threw the boxes away even after the man died.

I am sure there are boxes with our names written on them. The exciting part is , it's not thrown away.. Which means they ready for delivery even now when we turn to The Lord.

In the past one year how many boxes has he stacked ?.. I wonder?. Can we get our hands on those boxes?Of course we can!! That's the best part... When we turn to Him .. He will be the most excited to give away all those boxes. But, in his time!

Each one of us are special and our gifts from him are unique to us.. He will never share or divide the boxes with others.. So you can be rest assured whatever God has kept for you.. Is meant only for you because you are unique and special to Him.

Therefore wait on The Lord. His timing is perfect. :) ' Patience with God is Faith' . 

Receive those boxes . That will make you and I the 'BEST VERSION OF OURSELVES ' in the likeness and image of God.

Don't you wanna know whats in those boxes? Turn to the Lord! :)

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