Friday 23 May 2014

Easter Thoughts: Divinity and Humanity in the Passion

By Surath Fernando

I'm a little late with this, but wanted to share some Easter time thoughts. Specifically the mixture of divinity and humanity within the Passion.

In particular, two events always hit me hard during Easter: Jesus in the garden and Jesus during the crucifixion.

Jesus in the garden exhibits the most basic of human emotions - fear, doubt, and loneliness. These are feelings we all go through at some time in our lives.

However, for me, the divinity comes in how He places His faith and trust in God’s path. Even though it is the path less travelled, He embraces it. Thy will be done. It has me aspiring to both trust and embrace God’s plan for me.

Jesus during the crucifixion cut such a lone figure, standing against a sea of hate, anger, and indifference.

Through this, He maintained His dignity. He preached that those who live with anger in their hearts will be torn apart by it. He has shown divinity by preaching love and forgiveness under the most difficult of situations.

This always moves me.

It has me aspiring to act with grace when faced with the difficult situations of my life.

Finally, aspiration and action are different but inexplicably linked. Coming out of Easter has me wanting to walk the path as well as learn the path. But in order to do one, we must devote ourselves to the other.

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